Our Animal Services

Equine Iridology

Canine Iridology

Feline Iridology

Equine Iridology is entirely non-invasive, painless, and completely safe. In addition, equine Iridology analysis can be easily performed at the stable or field shelter, so moving or traveling your horse is unnecessary.

The topography of the iris reflects the primary structure of the body. Each body's central system is mapped to a specific location in the iris. The analysis involves studying the horse's iris by examining the "Four Tunnels" Colon, Kidney, Lungs, and Skin. Equine Iridology shows the inherent strengths or weaknesses of the Sire and or Dam. 

Iridology is a tool to assess the integrity of the tissues in the body, your inherent weaknesses, and your strengths. By knowing the inherited weaknesses of your equine, you can do much to prevent problems from developing in a particular area by supporting the 'weak' areas early on. 

An equine Iridology consult is stress-free and non-invasive; the practitioner (Barbie) uses a torch and magnifying glass to take high-resolution pictures using a customized camera for further analysis.

Equine Iridology

•Tell if an animal is pregnant.

•Diagnose and confirm specific diseases, i.e., many diseases may cause a mark in the kidneys. 

•Identify the cause of injuries. 

•Identify gender, male/ female.

•Detect something undertaken under anesthetic.

•Detect parasite burdens

•Show bacterial or fungal infections

•Detect Psoriasis

•Detect Gallstones

•Detect kidney stones

•Detect Life expectancy

•Detect some types of tumors

•Detect leukemia

• Detect rare genetic conditions 

Equine Iridology CAN Detect

• Past and present imbalances in internal organs/body tissues; Injuries (current and old)

•Inherited behavioral & physical traits, all through the iris of a horse's eye. 

• Iridology will show the inherent strengths and weaknesses of the tissue systems in the horse's body.

 • Iridologists can pinpoint inherently weakened organs or glands that may not yet produce symptoms or discomfort.

•An animal Iridologist can suggest avoiding a disease or dysfunction by studying the iris markers.

•An Animal iridology often provides solutions where all else has failed to find the root cause of an imbalance / behavioral complaint.


By comparing photos from the same horse over time, the Iridologist can determine if progress is being made in tissue strength and healing and if the management regime is suitable or requires further changes.  


Equine Iridology CAN and CAN NOT Do

To begin, click the "choose appointment" link to schedule your appointment. Once you have booked, you will receive a private Zoom link through email for a discovery call. During this call, we will briefly discuss your requirements and how I can assist you. If we decide to move forward, you must fill out a disclaimer and intake form and provide any other relevant information regarding our discussed services.

Don't hesitate - schedule your complimentary 15-minute discovery session now!

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